Youtube Playlist Duration Calculator

Developed by RJ Regalado, 4 years ago
Title Author Total Duration
- - -
# Channel Name Total Hours SubTotal
# Channel Name Video Title Duration Sub-Total


Youtube Playlist Duration Calculator

This online tool will allow you to calculate the total duration of the YouTube playlist you are watching. No installation or whatever. It's time to take a break when the music ends.

  • 5/18/2020
    • Enhancement: Added random video link for each channel
    • Enhancement: Added link to channel's URL
  •  5/17/2020
    • Bug Fixes: An error occurs when two different channel with the same name exists in a single playlist. Both channels will count as one
  •  4/11/2020
    • Enhancement: Double Click text to copy (distinct channels and entire playlist only)
    • Enhancement: Added embedded player.
  • 4/1/2020
    • Bug Fixes: An error "Server Reached Its Maximum Limit" occurs when we process long playlists. Undisclosed fixes have been done.
  • 3/31/2020
    • Enhancement: Added playlist summary that displays playlist title, author and duration
    • Enhancement: Now accepts multiple URL formats as long as the "list" parameter exists
    • Enhancement: UI Improvements
  • 3/25/2020
    • Fixed: Now accepts playlist that has special characters on its ID
  • 3/20/2020
    • Enhancement: Server limit increased (server optimization, added more RAM)
  • 3/19/2020
    • Enhancement: Added distinct channels and their total duration
  • 2/29/2020
    • First Deployment