Offline Password Generator

In Open Source by Jhong Regalado,
posted 7 years ago and was modified 4 years ago


  • An absolutely free open source program designed to generated secured password (or username as well).
  • Portable, no installation required
  • An option to specify password length
  • An option to add or disallow English punctuations such as !, ?, and "
  • An option to add or disallow programming language characters such as $, { and }
  • An option to add or disallow similar characters such as i, I, o, O and 0
  • An option to add or disallow uppercase chacters
  • An option to copy the generated password to the clipboard.
  • If none of the options are enabled, the generated password can also be used as super secured username. Useful for site administrators


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  • I got an error "The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found..."

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